to...Achates Bostons, LLC.
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Ch Bleugras Jolie`Of Buena Vista, CGC, ROM*


Here are photos of our "W" Litter.

They are out of Curly and Samantha.

They were born at 9:30 am on 10-3-14 by C-Section.


Our little boy on the left

and one of the girls on the right.  They are 4 days old in this photo.

Mom holding one of the babies for the first time while I change their bedding.

Our little guys are already tunneling under the fleece.  Here she is sleeping with just her head out.

The 2 girls here with the boy in the   upper right corner. They have already doubled their birth weight.

Newborn babies....... both girls and the boy on the right. 

At birth they were 9.0 oz, 9.2 oz and 9.2 oz.

Very nice size babies. 

Samantha has only ever eaten a Raw Species Appropriate Diet.

Samantha is such a great Mommie!


From left to right.....

Ritzy, Gibbs, Gracie, Vinny and Cassie all trying to steal a peek of the babies. 

                                                      The nursery area is off limits to everyone!


Day 1 with the litter box.  A pyrex lasagna pan lined with the rubber coated shelf liner.  This gives them a bit of traction until the muscles in their legs develop more.  Then a thin layer of Yesterday's News Cat Litter as it is the smallest litter I could find.


Our little boy is on the right side.  When I see them looking for a spot to go potty, I lift them up and set them in the litter box.  They usually pick this up pretty quickly after not wanting anything to do with it in the begining.


Our little boy!

Girl #2


Girl #1 and our boy on the right. 


Our boy on the right.


This is puppy bitch #2.  She is going to live with Gayle and Dick in Minneapolis, MN. 

They have not decided on her name yet.

        My little girl at 5 eeks of age.

Her name is ..... Achates What's Up Sunshine?

This is Achates We'll Sing In The Sunshine and he's

   moving to Chicago, IL.  Billy will call him Patches.


The 3 puppies are taking a rest beside Ritzy after playing for a couple of hours.


Samantha watching her kids play.

The girls are having a discussion!